Peaceangelsong’s Gifts Journal
As a woman whose faith influences every aspect of my life, Christ has long been my Way, my Door to Life, even before I had totally surrendered my heart to Him when I was sixteen.
When I recount the amazing miracles that the Lord has accomplished in my life despite my weaknesses, I witness the astonishing reality that He is real and He is in control of my destiny.
I see the Lord’s almighty power, strength, and glory shining through His amazing works despite all my flaws and faults and I give Him praise and thanks that He could ever use someone so broken.
Nothing could have happened, nor would I even be alive today, apart from the faith and courage Christ has given me to keep trying despite staggering odds, some of the biggest being daily migraines, fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Now the Lord has called me to persevere in another challenge: the opening of our beautiful new internet store on Shopify: Peaceangelsong’s Gifts!
I am very honored and thankful for each new stewardship Christ blesses me with, yet at the same time I’m fiercely humbled by the Lord’s gracious gifts. For He knows that I feel just like the little girl in my painting “Christ and the Child in The Storm.”
I see myself as that little girl treading the cold dark waters with the Lord Jesus on that storm tossed sea.

Her right hand is firmly clenched behind her back while with her left hand she clings to Christ with all her might.
All the while she’s focused firmly on the Lord’s face. Though her back is to the viewer I can imagine her saying, “Dear Jesus, I can’t do this, You know I can’t...”
The glowing Christ, His bright robes billowing all about Him in the wind, smiles peacefully down at His child. He is as stable as a rock despite the fierce tempest and strong waves that are buffeting them.
He seems to say, “But I can do all things through you. Trust in Me, My child. I will not fail you or let go of you. Don’t Give up! As you persevere and overcome you will GLORIFY ME for others will see My strength in your weakness.”
The Lord has used that painting of Christ and the child in the storm to comfort and encourage me through many challenges in the past ten years since He first inspired it.
It is encouraging affirming art like “Christ and His Child in the Storm,” as well as inspiring greetings and music that will bring joy and hope to hearts young and young at heart, that I want to share with everyone here in our new Shopify Store “Peaceangelsong’s Gifts.”
Mark and I welcome you to visit our shop and to browse through our listings.
May you be encouraged and inspired and find here just what you are looking for.
In His Grace,
Suzanne Davis Harden
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