- Traditional Christmas Greeting Card Collection Focusing On The The Birth of Christ
Peaceangelsonsong’s Gifts is excited to introduce a new Greeting Card Collection especially for the Christmas Advent Season.
Our new holiday Greetings focus on the Christian Tradition surrounding the Birth of Christ in Bethlehem
as related in the Scriptures.
(The cards illustrate mainly the events described in Luke 2:6-19, Matthew 2:9-12)
This collection features six original designs that each represent the Nativity of Christ from a unique perspective.
The Christian tradition presents the birth of Jesus Christ in a lowly manger, in the small town of Bethlehem in the region of Judea.
The cards illustrate the Biblical themes running through the Gospel narratives that tell about Mary and Joseph, Baby Jesus, and the shepherds who came to worship Him after an angel choir appeared in the heavens praising God, announcing the birth of the tiny Savior.
A couple of the cards feature the Wise Men (Magi) who had traveled from the East, following Christ’s bright star that shone above all others in the heavens to guide them to the infant King. They’d brought him expensive gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh with which to worship Him.
One of the Christmas cards features an original illustrated Christmas poem on the inside left beside the Christmas greeting.
Each card is beautifully rendered in bright colors, on either linen or sturdy uncoated card stock.
They measure 5 ½” inches x 4” inches.
The collection is shipped with three red and three white envelopes that will look beautiful with any of the cards you choose to enclose your greeting.
*Please refer to the Photos for more information.
It is my prayer that this Christian Holiday Greeting Collection will restore a sense of the traditional joy and peace of Christmas to many hearts, and remind all who use and share these cards about the wondrous Gift that Christmas truly is, in Jesus’ name, amen.
*All of the cards in this new Christian Christmas Greeting Collection were created by Suzanne Davis Harden, through the Indwelling Risen Lord Jesus Christ, Inspired by His Holy Spirit, to the Glory of God the Father, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.