When I was very troubled in my mind one night as a young sixteen year old, the risen Lord Jesus Christ came to me.
The room glowed very bright with His presence. I didn’t know Him and asked was He an angel? He said that He was the Lord Jesus Christ and that everything was going to be all right. He spoke His peace to my heart.
He led me to go read our family Bible. The page in the oversized Book was open to Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending,” saith the Lord, “which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
The Bible was glowing, even as our living room was. Then the Lord said...”All will be well now, you can go back to bed.” He filled my heart with His amazing peace. After I crawled back into bed I saw in my heart an angel writing my name in a great big book!
I had never heard about the Lamb’s Book of Life before. It would be a few months later, after I began attending prayer meetings, bible studies, and churches that I would learn about the Book of Life mentioned in Revelation 20:12
“And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life...” Revelations 20:12 (KJV)
The Lord records all the names of the redeemed in His Book of Life. Later He gave me a prayer song about the Book of Life which He helped me record, publish, and make a music video for.
The Lord inspired me to draw the vision of the angel writing my name in the book of Life when my children were five and seven years old for their Sunday School class. Our friend who taught the class asked me to create an illustration for book covers he was assembling to keep the children’s assignments together. When I prayed about what picture to make for the children, the Lord inspired me to draw the vision of the angel writing in the Book of Life.
The pen and ink picture I made became their Sunday School assignment book cover. (I think we laminated a copy onto an 8 1/2” inch x 11” inch report cover type of binder and gave one to each child.)
Since they would be learning about salvation in Christ, it would be a wondrous thing for them to have a visual reminder of an angel who lived up in heaven recording their name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. This could perhaps help them through troubled times to know that their names were written in Heaven should they ever have any doubts when the dark times came to challenge them. They could even write their names on the actual picture where the angel had set his feather pen down on the book.
(For we made each child a copy of the angel book cover as a coloring page.) So that is the history of the image on the Angel Print. As it morphed into other roles, the Lord has used it in many different ways over the years.
(The picture is also reproduced along with the prayer song “The Book of Life” in my prayersong book “Paths of Peace.”)
May the Lord use this matted fine art print, whether you purchase the larger 8” inch x 10” inch version, or the small bedside 5” inch x 7” inch version to bless and encourage you or someone you love.
May He fill you with rivers of His holy peace and love, and the calm assurance that all will be well. We ship your print securely via USPS Priority Mail ~Free Shipping! _______________________________________________________________________________________________ *All listings on my website are watermarked for Copyright protection. **Your print purchases will Not be watermarked.