Congratulations Digital Download Graduation Card comes with three variations to choose from! Choose from the Adult Graduate to wish Congratulations on her (or his accomplishment!)
- Choose the fun blue border with all the festive confetti to celebrate your young graduate!
- Or choose the deep blue border with the mix of young people and adults graduating.
This is a great digital card to have on hand to send to say "well done "to that special someone who has achieved an educational milestone in their life!
The best part is that it's instant and you can send it virtually through text or email and don't have to bother with stamps or snail mail. You could send one out to everyone in your class if you were their teacher without having to buy multiple cards for every child! Digital cards are a joy to have and they're good for the environment for they are paperless. So we hope you will enjoy this inexpensive little graduation card and use it to encourage the graduate in your life!
*Designed and Illustrated by Suzanne Davis Harden, Through the Indwelling Risen Lord Jesus Christ, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, to the Glory of God the Father, in Jesus' name, amen.
*No Watermarks will be on your purchased cards!