Building Sandcastles
This 8" x 10" inch Triple Matted Art Print features two young sisters building sandcastles by the sea on a beautiful sunny afternoon. I painted the original of this painting in oils on a tempered masonite panel several years ago after a trip we took to St. Kitts.
The sisters playing in the sand in the painting are children of a family friend who still lives on the island.
Most children love to build sandcastles when they go to the beach. Sandcastles are a symbol not only of childhood fun, but also of dreams.Like sandcastles, many dreams are fragile and can be washed away with the tides of time. A long time ago Jesus Christ said that if a person were to build his house on His word, then that person would have a sturdy, sure foundation and his house would withstand every storm that life could throw at him. But if a person were to build their house on the sand,
Jesus said, then when the storms come and the rains blow, then their house will fall and crumble away just like every sandcastle ever built upon the seashore is eventually washed away into the sea. He said that Heaven and earth will pass away, but that His word will never pass away.
If our hope, our dreams are in Christ and in His word, then we will not ever pass away either.
The tides of death can never sweep us away like the sea sweeps away all of the sandcastles on the shoreline no matter how finely they are built.
This painting has always been a reminder of this spiritual truth to me. I
t may speak other things to you though. Art speaks many different things to different people. May this print inspire you. ______________________________________________
*Designed & Illustrated by Suzanne Davis Harden, through the Indwelling Risen Lord Jesus Christ, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, to the Glory of God the Father, in Jesus name, amen.
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