In the illustration for my whimsical digital poetry prayer print, I’ve painted three characters chatting together. (It’s based on an earlier illustration I did several years ago and repurposed for this poem!)
The critters have assembled for donuts and tea and a meeting about their latest project. Their conversation soon ends up about people they know and their private lives.
This is a whimsical visual satire of events that happens all too often in reality.
Fortunately, we serve a wonderful God of mercy and grace who loves each of us despite our flaws and weaknesses.
I drew this whimsical rabbit writer several years ago when I was doing a lot of pen & ink work before I came down with the virus that caused my auto immune illness.
In those days I drew and painted or wrote incessantly; from the time I woke up until I went to bed at night.
Like the rabbit character in the illustration I was always thinking of something to draw, write, or create. I was certain that the Lord had put me on the earth to make things.
That is until I got sick with a mysterious debilitating virus and could neither write or draw, or even walk or do anything for almost four months but sit in a darkened room. I experienced excruciating migraines. I prayed fervently and listened to the Lord. He spoke to my heart. He told me that I had value apart from my gifts.
...The Lord has called me to persevere in another challenge: the opening of our beautiful new internet store on Shopify: Peaceangelsong’s Gifts!
I am very honored and thankful for each new stewardship Christ blesses me with, yet at the same time I’m fiercely humbled by the Lord’s gracious gifts. For He knows that I feel just like the little girl in my painting “Christ and the Child in The Storm...”